Monday, June 2, 2008

Family Decisions

So my husband says to me today.. "Two days in a row no blog", I was like yup. So I decided to hop on, my biggest problem was omg what do I want to talk about.

My parents are at an age that as they like to say "they are falling apart". My mom has survived so much I think she must have 9 lives. She's had cancer, blod clots, severe bleeding ulcers, angioplasty and a pace maker put in, that's not to mention she has developed diabetes and high blood pressure. Every year is a battery of tests, last year she decided she wanted to have knee replacement surgery. Actually scratch that is was in 2006 that we went to see the surgeon. Finally a few weeks ago she was referred to a new one because of long wait times (no kidding). Well she saw the surgeon today. He claims she is VERY high risk not just cause of her heart but her diabetes could cause infections and she may need to have the surgery done multiple times.

Now mom is 65 years old this year, she is always in pain due to her knee and now we have to discuss as a family wether it is worth the risk. It boils down to possibly no more pain to possibly a series of operations which could lead to amputation with a diabetic. There's also the fact her heart may not be able to take the surgery.

How does one tell their mom that they'd rather see them in pain then go through all these if's. So tonight is a family discussion.. God what do I say??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It doesn't matter what you would "rather see". It's her body, her health, her constant pain. She has to be the one to decide. All you can do is explain the options, risks and rewards in as plain a language as you can, and leave the rest up to her.