Monday, July 14, 2008

First Baby Pic

So here is bean's first pic she is 6weeks 4 days old now and measures a whopping 5.4mm. I know I am saying she but Chris is convinced it's a girl so it must be. Of course being the suck that I am I cried when I saw this photo. I couldn't help but share it with anyone willing to take a peek.. Rest assured more photos will follow. So readers beware you are on this trip with me!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Bday

Yup you got it today is my 37th birthday. Do I feel old? Sometimes but for the most part I am very happy about myself and my age. I mean what is age besides a number right? If all goes well this will be one of the best years of my life, the first being the year I met my husband, the second the year I married him and this year well they year we have a baby. What better birthday gift could a girl ask for?

My morning sickness has diminished, not quite all gone but not what it was. However I think exhaustion has taken it's place, I could sleep at the drop of a hat ( like right now ). I am anxious for the 14th we get to find out if we are having twins or no and if all is well with the pregnancy.

We are going to Disney on the 7th of August, only thing is I won't be able to go on half the rides.. That should make my step daughter happy as she hates half of the rides we like, this way I will be able to sit with her while my husband stands in line.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Morning Sickness

Why do they even call it that. I have "all day sickness". There is no consistency to when it hits. One day it's really bad the next not so bad. I think the bathroom and I will become best friends before this pregnancy is over :).

I'm at work and I didn't want to tell them before my 12 week mark. However with the fact it might be twins and my morning sickness I think they may end up finding out sooner rather than later. I can't hide me hurrying off to the bathroom all the time. Not to mention that they all knew I was doing treatments. I have at my desk crackers, almonds and today watermelon.. The watermelon seems to be helping.. Not to mention it changes the taste in my mouth.. I have had such a bad taste since the start it's a wonder I want to eat. There is one thing I am sad about, i don't seem to want my cup of tea in the morning anymore :(.. Oh well small sacrifice!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It Worked

So Monday I went for my blood test at 8:30 am, I had cheated I tested at home 3 times that weekend. The hospital tells you not to test because they want to check your actual HCG levels. So although I knew I was pregnant I wanted to wait and see what my levels were. The hospital told me they would call between 12 & 2, by 2;30 I hadn't heard so I called and left a message. they called around 3. The nurse congratulated me then in a very bratty way asked me if I wanted to know just how good my levels were.. I was like sure.. at this point she already told me my levels were good, so my worry of miscarrying early eased. She replies with your levels are at 750 we expect about 100, I was like are you telling me there is a possibility of twins.. Her reply YES! Based on the number of follicles I had they are assuming I am having twins. So I go on the 14th for an ultrasound to see how many heartbeats and sacs there are.

So it worked and it worked very well. I don't think I need to tell anyone how elated and shocked I am. Needless to say my husband is freaking slightly.