Friday, September 26, 2008

First Baby Gift

So today I got our first baby gift, of course not counting the crib and dresser/change table my mom and dad got us. I had lunch with an ex co worker and she bought me a cute outfit for the baby to wear when leaving the hospital. It is so cute, it has a little hat to go with it and it has ears on it. She picked a nice neutral colour :). Being the suck that I am I almost cried when I saw the size of the oufit.. I can't believe that a baby can fit in that it's soo tiny.

Getting the gift has now made me more anxious to have the baby.. I promise this weekend to take pictures of the baby bump..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I keep Waiting

What do I keep waiting for?? Cravings. So far I have to say I haven't really craved anything in particular. Which really sucks cause I wanted to keep my husband to his promise of going out and buying me what I want when I have a craving. Wendy keeps telling me of her funky cravings and I wonder when it's going to hit me?? Could I end up being one of those people who don't get any?

Well anyways I am now "looking" pregnant according to my husband. Last night he took a look at my belly and said now you look like you have a pregnant belly. So he's promised that this weekend we will take some pics, I promise to post them!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Double Trouble

But not for me! My friend Wendy knew last week there was a possiblitiy of twins, they had seen something but didn't know if it would remain viable. Yesterday she had another unltrasound and voila a second bean. I am super excited for her, to go from not being able to get pregnant to having twins is amazing and to do it naturally is even better.

Chris is very happy it's her not us. I had always hoped for multiples but alas it was not to be, I will gladly accept my one little bean and let Wendy have the joys of handling two at once. I think next summer a road trip might be in order if Wendy is up for it !

Grats again sweetheart!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Got it

So yesterday I decide to check out the price of Bones season 2 at several stores, it was showing at 59.99 everywhere but Future Shop.. So I finally managed to get it!!! I watched one episode last night and plan to make a night of it tonight. Wendy I will never forgive you for this!!!

As for my pregnancy well all is going good. I am in what my mother calls the nesting phase all I want to do is re-arrange the house clean etc... With two dogs however it's hard to keep it as clean as I would like. I also feel not pregnant, if it weren't for the belly I would swear this is all a figment of my imagination. When I was in my first 3 months I had the morning sickness and as long as I had that I knew I was pregnant. I am at the stage where that is gone but I can't feel the baby move yet. I am so anxious to feel "her" move.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bones Bones Bones

Why on earth did I not like this show when it first came out?? Why on earth did I not listen to Wendy all those months when she said you have to watch it and of course me being stubborn said "I didn't like it". Well now I regret it, I read Wendy's Bones blog every couple of days.. I know I shouldn't cause I haven't seen season 2 or 3. This is another issue I NEED to get season two now, but I resent paying 60$.

My husband has taken to watching the episodes he didn't see with me while I sleep. I don't think he will ever admit to liking the show but somewhere deep down I think he does!

I can't wait to see if the action scenes are better in season 2 than in 1, I have to admit if they are going to look that "staged" they should not bother with it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Good News!

So my friend Wendy is also pregnant! She and I have been trying almost the same amount of time. Figures that we would get pregnant within pretty much the same time frame, we kept saying we'd love to be pregnant at the same time and now we are.

I kept telling her she was, she kept listing her symptoms to me and I kept saying go test you're preggers and looks like once again I was right. I like being right. If you want to see her bean there's a link on my blog that takes you to hers, Articulate on Paper is the one you are looking for.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Focus what's that?

So it's finally Friday. For some reason I found this week a hard week.. I couldn't seem to focus on much. I have also started that pregnancy brain. I forget everything if I don't write it down.. God help us all as Chris relies on me to remember the mundane things. I almost feel like I can use another vacation right now.

I am however in the mood to start re-arranging the house.. Much to my husbands dismay. I am also a pack rat and realized that I don't need half the stuff that I have saved in the house. Boy I think this nesting instict could become dangerous. I am going to enlist my mothers help however, once her and I get into a groove watch out.

I thought my morning sickness was all gone I was feeling great, then BAM this morning it rears it's ugly head and comes back. Oh well maybe only a few more episodes of it and it will be done. I am getting lucky an old coworker of mine has some baby stuff to give me :) so that will help save some money.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The heartbeat

OMG I heard the baby's heartbeat, it was so amazing it brought tears to my eyes. Seems that all is well the tests are not showing any markers for Downs so the doctor is not pushing an amnio on me even with my age, PHEW! Everything looks good my due date is officially March 9th. So mark it on your calendars. Here are some pics from todays visit.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tid BIts

So Friday night my husband paid himself a treat, he got himself the PS3. I figured he is always thinking of myself and his daughter so why not encourage him to get something for himself. I actually want him to get Rock Band, maybe I can give that a try.

I am now in my second trimester, starting to feel better. I actually felt energetic this morning, however now at 2:30 in the afternoon I am tired. I can definitely say I am no where near as tired as I was at the beginning of the pregnancy but I could use a nap right now.

So I told my husband that this Christmas we should go easy on the gifts to each other, especially with a baby's room to furnish. Somehow though the idea of minimal gifts don't appeal to us very much, so I made a suggestion how about we gift each other a new TV. OH BOY! was I not thinking, I started looking at the costs today, makes me want to cry.

Speaking of Christmas my mother pulled a fast one on me.. I told her I was thinking of doing Christmas at our place this year, so she was with her sisters this weekend and my cousins and mentions that I was thinking of doing Christmas at my place. The whole family has decided they are coming to my place for dinner that day. OMG was Chris pissed. I don't think so much at the fact the family is coming more at the fact that my mom opened her mouth and the family invited themselves. I told my mom today to keep her mouth closed from now on. I also told her she's helping out :P.. She is definitely going to buy the turkey that's for sure.