Friday, September 5, 2008

Focus what's that?

So it's finally Friday. For some reason I found this week a hard week.. I couldn't seem to focus on much. I have also started that pregnancy brain. I forget everything if I don't write it down.. God help us all as Chris relies on me to remember the mundane things. I almost feel like I can use another vacation right now.

I am however in the mood to start re-arranging the house.. Much to my husbands dismay. I am also a pack rat and realized that I don't need half the stuff that I have saved in the house. Boy I think this nesting instict could become dangerous. I am going to enlist my mothers help however, once her and I get into a groove watch out.

I thought my morning sickness was all gone I was feeling great, then BAM this morning it rears it's ugly head and comes back. Oh well maybe only a few more episodes of it and it will be done. I am getting lucky an old coworker of mine has some baby stuff to give me :) so that will help save some money.

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