Friday, September 19, 2008

Double Trouble

But not for me! My friend Wendy knew last week there was a possiblitiy of twins, they had seen something but didn't know if it would remain viable. Yesterday she had another unltrasound and voila a second bean. I am super excited for her, to go from not being able to get pregnant to having twins is amazing and to do it naturally is even better.

Chris is very happy it's her not us. I had always hoped for multiples but alas it was not to be, I will gladly accept my one little bean and let Wendy have the joys of handling two at once. I think next summer a road trip might be in order if Wendy is up for it !

Grats again sweetheart!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Thank you! And of course :) if you don't mind limited apartment accomodations! But...maybe we'll find a house by then.

1 or 2, they're all a blessing.