Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bones Bones Bones

Why on earth did I not like this show when it first came out?? Why on earth did I not listen to Wendy all those months when she said you have to watch it and of course me being stubborn said "I didn't like it". Well now I regret it, I read Wendy's Bones blog every couple of days.. I know I shouldn't cause I haven't seen season 2 or 3. This is another issue I NEED to get season two now, but I resent paying 60$.

My husband has taken to watching the episodes he didn't see with me while I sleep. I don't think he will ever admit to liking the show but somewhere deep down I think he does!

I can't wait to see if the action scenes are better in season 2 than in 1, I have to admit if they are going to look that "staged" they should not bother with it.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I'll try not to be too smug :)

They do get better. But they really don't have a lot of action scenes ever. There is a great explosion scene in early/middle season 3 but nothing really stands out. It just never will be that kind of show, though one writer/producer, Noah Hawley, reportedly keeps trying.