Thursday, July 3, 2008

Morning Sickness

Why do they even call it that. I have "all day sickness". There is no consistency to when it hits. One day it's really bad the next not so bad. I think the bathroom and I will become best friends before this pregnancy is over :).

I'm at work and I didn't want to tell them before my 12 week mark. However with the fact it might be twins and my morning sickness I think they may end up finding out sooner rather than later. I can't hide me hurrying off to the bathroom all the time. Not to mention that they all knew I was doing treatments. I have at my desk crackers, almonds and today watermelon.. The watermelon seems to be helping.. Not to mention it changes the taste in my mouth.. I have had such a bad taste since the start it's a wonder I want to eat. There is one thing I am sad about, i don't seem to want my cup of tea in the morning anymore :(.. Oh well small sacrifice!

1 comment:

Leedra said...

Probably shouldn't have the caffine anyway. So it may be a blessing you don't want it. Again, Congrats!!!!!!