Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wii Fit

So today I am reading about the new Wii fit.. last Christmas I got my husband the Wii.. Now not being a big gamer there arent' many games that interest me. I got the endless ocean game but shame on me I haven't played it much.

Now I know I have a few pounds to shed, and all my good intentions of going to a gym well lets say they really were good intentions. I also keep thinking about going out to run every morning but the weather here just doesn't make it easy to motivate oneself. So next best step? Exercise in my own home. Now the trick is to convince my husband to buy it for me easy right? Wrong. Because I am always full of good intentions he doesn't believe me when I say I am going to do this minimum 3 morning a week. So he's asking me now what happens when you don't do it three mornings a week.. What kind of answer am I supposed to give to that? I don't know myself. Ido know I need and want to get fit againand that I want to do in in the privacy of my own home. So where do we go ffrom here? I myself have no answer to that question.


Unknown said...

"I got the endless ocean game but shame on me I haven't played it much."

Does 30 minutes even count as "not playing it much" ?

Jason said...

We got one and I've done it a couple of times in the past week. I've yet to settle into a good schedule to do it on a regular basis.

It'll kick your rear end the first few times you do it!

Wendy said...

I'm afraid to buy it. I loved working out to wiisports when we first got that and now I haven't played it in months. It's a very expensive thing not to use it. On the flip I used the $60 minicycle much more often.

It does look fun though.