Friday, May 23, 2008

Favorite Shows..

Well to be honest I only watch two shows. My husband and I are not hooked on tv, we're usually on the computer all night playing WoW So I am sure there are many good shows out there but we watch The Office and Battlestar Gallactica. My favorite is really Battlestar Gallactica, sometimes I find The office too embarrassing to watch.

The ongoing question in BSG is who is the fifth cylon, the only one left to identify. I've been mulling it over time and time again.. and well I still think it's Kara Thrace. How could she survive what she has? I know that she's been told she will lead her people to destruction but who says her people are the humans? Could they not be the cylons? A friend sent me to this page we're Moore says that the last cylon is not at the table, can we trust him? Should we believe him? A friend thinks it's Gaeta but I think I am sticking to my guns and saying Kara Thrace..


Wendy said...

Your life needs more Bones!

Trilyn said...

yeah yeah I know .. need to rent them

Jason said...

Come on, you know it's Felix!!!

Oh yeah, and you need to rent Lost while you're renting shows!