Monday, November 3, 2008

One of those moments

So as I sit here trying to work, I suddenly got this omg I have a baby in me moment. I have these moments where it's like pure disbelief, I can't believe this finally happened. There's really no denying it, it's so obvious now, my belly is large and boy does he kick.. and he kicks my bladder all the time. I am heading into week 23 so I am starting to feel him more and more. I can't wait for the moment that my husband really feels him. I get these silly grins on my face all the time now, Chris knows at that moment that our son has kicked.

My husband has been great, he's taken a very active role in the pregnancy. It's nice to share it with him, although when I have my moments of OMG is something wrong he thinks I am nuts but oh well, what can one do..

So I fianlly decided to get the flu shot, my doctor convinced me it was safe for the baby..

Have I mentioned that we picked a name?? I can't remember "pregnancy brain" ftw. His name is to be Aidan Charles ( of course the Charles is not for everyday use ).. As I write this here he goes kicking..

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